China is facing increasing pressure from the international community to curb its greenhouse emissions.The next 15-20 years are important for China’s social and economic development, but this is also a key period for controlling global greenhouse gas emissions.In considering the development path of China’s economy,policy-makers are confronted by the issue of global climate change.Reducing carbon emissioms is now a worldwide task.For China, opportunities and challenges coexist.Post-Kyoto climate regime must provide incentives for China’s transition to becoming a low carbon economy based on the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities.
China is facing increasing pressure from the international community to curb its greenhouse emissions. Next 15-20 years are important for China’s social and economic development, but this is also a key period for controlling global greenhouse gas emissions. Considering the development path of China’s economy, policy-makers are confronted by the issue of global climate change. Reduce carbon emissioms is now a worldwide task. For China, opportunities and challenges coexist. Post-Kyoto climate regime must provide incentives for China’s transition to become a low carbon economy based on the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities.