
来源 :沈阳部队医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:catticc
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军队人员家属、子女的医疗保障问题不仅涉及家属、子女本人的切身利益,而且影响到军队的稳定和战斗力。当前,如何适应新的形势要求,做好军队人员家属、子女的医疗保障工作,既是军队医疗保障制度改革的重要内容,也是抓好军队全面建设和稳定的重要环节。我们通过对沈阳军区军队人员包干家属、子女(以下简称包干家属)的就医调查,研究和探讨如何在满足基本医疗需求的基础上,减少过度医疗消费,增强有限经费的管理使用效能,并参照国家医疗制度改革的有关政策要求和地方城镇职工医疗保险制度试点的做法,为做好军队包干家属医疗保障工作提出建议。 The issue of medical security for family members and children of military personnel not only concerns the vital interests of family members and children themselves, but also affects the stability and combat effectiveness of the military. At present, how to adapt to the new situation and do a good job in safeguarding the health care of family members and children of military personnel is not only an important part of the reform of the medical security system in the armed forces, but also an important link in all-round military construction and stabilization. We investigated and explored how we can reduce over-medical spending and enhance the efficiency of management and use of limited funds by referring to the investigation and investigation of the families and children of military personnel in Shenyang Military Region, The reform of the medical system and the requirements of the local medical insurance system for urban workers pilot practice, do a good job for medical support for military officers and relatives make recommendations.
对不同模式家庭影院视听系统的组建原理及所采用的环绕立体声技术进行了深入的分析、探讨,比较了它们不同的环绕声效果.最后介绍了环绕立体声技术的新发展.“,”The design p