极致之心近日,目前全球最高档的256排CT——GE Revolution CT在湖南中医药大学第一附属医院投入使用,打造了超高端CT在影像诊断的新高峰,为心血管、神经、呼吸、泌尿系统、肿瘤、骨关节、急诊、儿科提供更好的影像诊断依据。快速成像性能:不受心率限制,任意心率/律下(房颤,早搏,传导阻滞,快心率,无法屏气)都可以完成冠脉扫描,极大的提高了冠脉检查成功率。一键定位、超快速
The heart of the extreme Recently, the world’s most advanced 256 row CT - GE Revolution CT put into use at the First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, creating a new high-end CT in the diagnostic imaging of the new peak for cardiovascular, neurological, respiratory, Urinary system, tumor, bone and joint, emergency, pediatric provide better diagnostic basis for the image. Fast Imaging Performance: Coronary scan can be completed without any limitation of heart rate and any heart rate / pulse (atrial fibrillation, premature beat, block, fast heart rate, breathlessness), which greatly improves the success rate of coronary examination. A key positioning, ultra-fast