1921年,美国心理学家特曼从学龄前至八年级的儿童中选出1.500多人,他们的智商高达140以上。这些儿童成年后是否都会取得成就呢?特曼为此进行了长期的追踪研究。 1940年,特曼从25岁以上的男性被追踪研究者中选出成就评级最高的(A组)和最低的(B组)各150人进行比较。发现这两组人员小学时成绩接近,中学低年级时成绩开始分化,到中学毕业时B组的成绩显著低于A组。原因在哪里呢?
In 1921, American psychologist Terman selected more than 1.500 children from preschool to eighth grade, with an IQ of more than 140. Are these children as adults who will make a difference? Terman has conducted a long-term follow-up study. In 1940, Terman compared comparisons of 150 men with the highest achievement (group A) to the lowest (group B) from 25 years of age or older. It was found that the scores of these two groups were similar in primary school, the scores of junior middle school started to differentiate, and the scores in group B were significantly lower than those in group A when they graduated from high school. Where is the reason?