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  Twenty years ago, “Transformers”-the comic books, toys and animated TV series ?dominated children’s lives. Today it’s hard to believe that girls of that time would have been as fascinated by a robot animation as the boys were, but the charm of the story was so powerful that the whole planet actually went crazy for these big metal guys.
  Twenty years on and among the huge films coming out this summer, a live-action adaptation of the legendary series may get those 20-something comic fans most excited.
  It all starts from the planet of Cybertron, home planet for the race of robots which have the ability to transform into other 1)mechanisms. They are divided into two separate camps: the good “Autobots”led by Optimus Prime, and the evil “Decepticons”led by Megatron. With fuel supplies on Cybertron running low, both forces travel through space looking for a new source. This leads them to Earth, which is rich in the minerals and chemicals they need. 2)Disguising themselves as cars, airplanes, boats, and so on, the Transformers engage in a secret war for control of Earth’s natural resources. This war then explodes into action when a boy named Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) bought a yellow sports car which turns out to be an Autobot named Bumblebee……
  “It really is a fun movie,”said Michael Bay, the director. “It’s not a toy movie. We tried to 3)incorporate a lot of the Transformer 4)lore, but we had to explain why they came to Earth and we had to make it 5)grounded in reality. To me, that’s what makes it fun.”
  The cast is really enthusiastic about the product. “At least for me, this is historical American folklore,”said LaBeouf. “I mean, I have friends that haven’t read the Bible, but have read comic books. And comic book movies are that for us, at least for my generation. It’s folklore, it’s 6)mythology. This is what we 7)eat up!?The disguises of the 8)revamped Transformers ?except Megatron’s 9)alien jet ?are all real. Companies like General Motors even provide real cars for shooting. One of the disguises is the new F22 jet fighter. It’s a very powerful jet fighter, famous for its use of 10)VTOL technology. The US government actually 11)loaned Bay a real one!
  All in all, it can be easily predicted that the new film will come out just as the theme song goes: “Transformers ”more than meets the eye.

从本期开始,“潮玩特区”正式取代原来的“时尚先锋”啦!我们将触角延伸到更多生活流行元素,从服饰到科技,从新书到美食,让大家开阔视野,当个潮流生活人!    The miniskirt has made a major comeback in 2006, and the fever just continues to prevail[盛行] this summer!  The mini madnes
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Just one last dance  Just one last dance    We meet in the night in the Spanish caf?I look in your eyes just don’t know what to say  It feels like I’m drowning in salty water  A few hours left till th
在大多数情况下,光能帮助我们看见物体。但是在观察夜空时,光反而是一种污染。  它阻碍我们观看一些生命中最令人叹为观止的景象——恒星、行星,乃至是星系。“孩提时,我很喜欢观看夜空,”国际夜空协会的罗伯特‘金特回忆道。这个协会致力于减少光污染。  “记得小时候,当我抬头观看夜空时,天空中繁星密布,我不禁发出这样的疑问:‘天上有多少颗星星?它们离我们有多远?我们能到那里去吗?’后来我成为了一名天文学家,
Daniel Radcliffe, the 17-year-old star of the “Potter”series, 1)aroused some 2)controversy among his fans when he took part in the 3)Tony-winning drama Equus last year. The role ?a troubled young man
这年头,小孩子出书已经不是什么新鲜事,但你能想象9岁的孩子写出“爱情指南”吗?美国科罗拉多州的小学生亚历克·格雷文不但写出7这样一本书,还一举成名。也许你会觉得9岁小孩的想法很幼稚,只是闹着玩,但有时候,人与人的沟通就是这么简单。对了,格雷文小朋友的创作灵感似乎一发不可收拾,接着将推出《How to TalktoMoms》、《How to Talk to Dads》和《How Talk to sa
I cannot live. I cannot die. I am lonely, but I speak to everyone. Time has no meaning to me, nor would I wish it to. My world is a place of thought. Scientists try to explain me with their 1)sensors
It’s been almost ten years since J.K. Rowling published Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, long enough that there are probably some Potter readers who don’t remember a world where owls weren’t
今年是香港回归十周年。作为庆祝活动之一,第12届“21世纪联想杯”全国英语演讲比赛选在香港中文大学的邵逸夫堂举行,并于3月底圆满结束。本期“口语角”栏目选登了本届比赛亚军—中国传媒大学钟石同学的命题演讲。主修英语播音主持的他演讲时气定神闲,应对自如,娓娓道来。我们就来一睹他的风采吧!(想了解比赛详情的同学可以点击以下网址:http://edu.sina.com.cn/contest/ )    L