山西垣曲读者宋平俊: 新年伊始第一天,温总理首先想到的是煤矿安全和煤矿工人。可以说,他“把特别的爱献给了特别的人”。在慰问遇难矿工家属时,他满含热泪,像长辈一样安慰遇难矿工家属。他敢于承担责任,让家属代表捎信给其他家属,政府工作没做好,对不起大家。特别是他对煤矿工
Song Yuanjun, Shanxi Yuanqu reader: On the first day of the New Year, Premier Wen thought of coal mine safety and coal miners first. It can be said that he “dedicated special love to special people.” In condolences to the families of the dead miners, he filled with tears, like the elders to comfort the families of the dead miners. He dared to take responsibility and sent his family members a letter to other family members. The government did not do a good job and I’m sorry everybody. Especially for miners