Improvement of Heating Method for Measuring the Wetness of Flowing Wet Steam

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhudamiao_72
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In this paper, an improvement of heating method for measuring wetness of the flowing wet steam is developed, the basic principle of the heating method is presented and the mathematical model has been built for analyzing the thermodynamics problezns during the process of heating. Moreover, an instru-ment for measuring wetness of wet steam flow was designed and made out. This instrument has been used for measuring wetness of the wet steam flow at the outlet of the nozzle rig in Thermal TUrbine Laboratory Xi’an Jiaotong University. By analyzing the relative error of the result, it was found that this instrument has fairly high accuracy it can be used as the prototype of practical instrument and has an important applicable value in engineering. In this paper, an improvement of heating method for measuring wetness of the flowing wet steam is developed, the basic principle of the heating method is presented and the mathematical model has been built for analyzing the thermodynamics problezns during the process of heating. This instrument has been used for measuring wetness of the wet steam flow at the outlet of the nozzle rig in Thermal TUrbine Laboratory Xi’an Jiaotong University. By analyzing the relative error of the result, it was found that this instrument has fairly high accuracy it can be used as the prototype of practical instrument and has an important applicable value in engineering.
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