The winter green manure in the rice area of our province is dominated by safflower grass, while the safflower saplings grow long-term at the coldest season, and frost damage often occurs. According to Wuhu Prefecture Institute of Agricultural Sciences on December 30, 1961 were compared with the cover gray and without any cover (control), the results showed that; covered gray only part of the plant cold, leaves turn yellow, spring after the plant Growth is vigorous, part of the frozen leaves from yellow to green, flowering neatly, yielding fresh grass four kilograms; while the control field part of the plant withered, the leaves from yellow to white, and even frozen to death, open recovery after the spring Slower, the unit area of the plant is also more sparse, only 3,133 kg of fresh grass per mu. Seen in this light, safflower dust in the winter covered with antifreeze has a certain effect.