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亚麻为亚麻科一年生草本植物,为确保亚麻这一新兴产业在云南省临沧地区持续健康发展,提高亚麻种植效益,地、县、植保站于2003年12月~2004年4月,在永德、双江、镇康等亚麻种植区,针对亚麻主要病虫害发生种类、发生危害情况进行了调查,并提出综合治理技术措施。一、主要病虫发生特点。目前,在云南临沧地区亚麻生产中,发生为害的主要病虫草害有亚麻斑枯病、立枯病、炭疽病、枯萎病、斜纹夜蛾、 Flax is an annual herbaceous plant of flax. In order to ensure the sustainable development of this emerging industry of flax in Lincang area of ​​Yunnan Province and increase the benefit of flax planting, the prefecture and county plant protection stations from December 2003 to April 2004, , Shuangjiang, Zhenkang and other flax planting areas for flax pests main types of occurrence and damage were investigated and put forward the comprehensive management of technical measures. First, the main pest occurrence characteristics. At present, the main pests and weeds that cause damage in the production of flax in Lincang, Yunnan Province are flax blight, blight, anthracnose, blight, spodoptera,
城市的失忆比医学上的失憶可怕得多。因为生活于一个城市的人群,至少几万人、几十万人乃至几百万人,他们虽在流动着、交融着、迁徙着,然而那记忆却恒常不变,有时出行愈远而怀想弥切,那是不可轻忘的、童年的回忆和梦境。  人类最可厌亦最可恶的莫过于设定一种模式,这种模式单调、平庸、乏味,如同嚼蜡。城市建设也不例外,这种城市建筑和街道的雷同,使普天下的通都大邑和县级市以上的中等城市面目大体一致。这种类似体育上的