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我国南北2个农药创制中心的建立,标志着农药自主创制研究的正式起步,在国家科技支撑计划、自然科学基金(NSFC)、973计划及863计划等项目的支持下,我国农药创制体系逐步形成并稳步发展,实现了中国农药自主创新的成功跨越。我国的农药科技创新平台初具规模,参加新农药创制研究的主要单位有沈阳化工研究院、湖南化工研究院、浙江化工研究院、中科院上海有机化学研究所、 The establishment of two pesticide manufacturing centers in North and South of China marks the formal start of the research on pesticide independent innovation. With the support of the National Science and Technology Support Program, NSFC, 973 Program and 863 Program, the pesticide creation system in our country is gradually formed And steady development, to achieve the success of Chinese pesticide innovation across. China’s pesticide science and technology innovation platform has taken shape, to participate in the study of new pesticides creation of the main units of Shenyang Chemical Industry Research Institute, Hunan Chemical Industry Research Institute, Zhejiang Chemical Industry Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry,
今年3月5日,辽宁一位偷车贼掐死了车内的婴儿,搜救过程在微博上“直播”。当死讯传来,因参与“直播”而获得“在场感”的网友们义愤填膺,痛斥丧尽天良的罪犯,更有人不失时机地提出,要请支持废除死刑的人都摸摸自己的良心。当时我发了一条微博说,“此时谈论废除死刑的人都是没头脑。”  事情过去了两个月,在这期间,两件冤案相继平反。一件是浙江叔侄奸杀冤案,一件是李怀亮杀人冤案。两起案件的主角都一度被判处死刑,最