我们知道,橡皮筋有很好的弹性。因此,可以用橡皮筋制作测力计。制作方法是: 取一根粗细均匀的橡皮筋和一根不易变形的透明塑料管。橡皮筋的粗细以它能在管内自由运动为宜,管的长度与橡皮筋的最大弹性长度相当。把橡皮筋放入
We know that rubber bands have good elasticity. Therefore, the dynamometer can be made with rubber bands. The production method is: Take a uniform rubber band and a transparent plastic tube that is not easily deformed. The thickness of the rubber band is such that it can move freely within the tube, and the length of the tube is equivalent to the maximum elastic length of the rubber band. Put the rubber band