本文以Campa and Goldberg(1997)与Hummels et al.(2001)的测算法为基础,结合我国产品内分工特点,构建一套以进口垂直分离、出口垂直分离、进口垂直内销、出口垂直增值为指数变量的垂直专业化发展测算体系。然后基于投入一产出表法,以中、美、韩三国为例进行评估与国际比较分析。结果表明:世界垂直专业化发展遵循由低级向高级的演进规律,有相应的三次产业分布特征:中国垂直专业化水平尚处在由初级向中级过渡的阶段,在三次产业分布特征上,制造业相对快于现代农业和服务业的发展,但其产品内分工形态仍然偏低。最后,依据这一新的判断基准,本文分析了成功推进经济发展转型应注意的三个问题。
Based on the measurement method of Campa and Goldberg (1997) and Hummels et al. (2001), this paper constructs a set of vertical separation of imports, Variables of the vertical specialization of the development of measurement system. Then, based on the input-output table, this paper uses the cases of China, the United States and the Republic of Korea as an example to conduct an assessment and an international comparative analysis. The results show that the vertical professional development in the world follows the evolution from low to high level, with corresponding characteristics of the three industries: the level of vertical specialization in China is still at the stage of transition from primary level to intermediate level. On the characteristics of the three industries, the manufacturing industry Relatively faster than the development of modern agriculture and service industries, but the intra-product division of labor is still low. Finally, based on this new benchmark, this paper analyzes three issues that should be paid attention to in order to promote the economic restructuring and transformation.