Suffering from male, 56 years old, due to sudden consciousness disturbance 1h, frequent vomiting, incontinence admitted to hospital. No previous history of hypertension. Physical examination: deep coma, breathing pause, right pupillary 5mm, light reflexes, left pupil 3mm, direct light reflex delay, indirect light reflex disappears. The limbs have high muscle tone, physiological reflexes disappeared, and the Pakistani’s sign is strongly positive on both sides. CT: lateral hematoma of the right basal ganglia was 102 ml and the midline shift was 20 mm. To be diagnosed: rupture of cerebral aneurysm with formation of suborbital hernia. Heinz grade 5 The craniotomy hematoma was removed in the emergency department. See 1.5cm×1cm clot adhesion at the bottom of the lateral hematoma cavity of the basal ganglia. Consider the rupture of the aneurysm. Controlled hypotension 12/8 kPa, carefully peeled blood clot, arterial blood spewing, strong suction suction, revealed about 6mm rupture neck neck. After clamping a blood supply artery, the blood pressure dropped to zero, and the cotton piece pressed to stop the blood. After the blood pressure became stable, the remaining three blood supply arteries were clamped. In the second surgery, the blood pressure was accumulated for 30 minutes. Awakened after 3 days after surgery, and decreased after 2 months