坚持科学的理论指导和不懈的理论创新 ,是中国共产党 80年历史的一条宝贵经验 中国共产党从成立到现在 ,已经走过了 80年的战斗历程。中国共产党的 80年 ,是矢志不渝地为民族独立、人民解放、国家富强而奋斗的 80年 ,是为完成神圣历史使命而经历种种风险与考验、由小到大、
Adhering to scientific theoretical guidance and relentless theoretical innovation is a precious experience of the CPC over the past 80 years. From its establishment to the present, the Chinese Communist Party has gone through 80 years of fighting. In the 80 years since its founding, the Chinese Communist Party has always been striving for national independence, liberation of the people and prosperity of the country. It has experienced various risks and tests for the accomplishment of its sacred historical mission. From the smallest to the largest,