Preliminary analysis of spatiotemporal pattern of global land surface water

来源 :Science China(Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dsfddsffd
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Land surface water(LSW) is one of the most important resources for human survival and development, and it is also a main component of global water recycling. A full understanding of the spatial distribution of land surface water and a continuous measuring of its dynamics can support to diagnose the global ecosystem and environment. Based on the Global Land 30-water 2000 and Global Land 30-water 2010 products, this research analyzed the spatial distribution pattern and temporal fluctuation of land surface water under scale-levels of global, latitude and longitude, continents, and climate zones. The Global Land 30-water products were corrected the temporal inconsistency of original remotely sensed data using MODIS time-series data, and then calculated the indices such as water area, water ration and coefficient of spatial variation for further analysis. Results show that total water area of land surface is about 3.68 million km2(2010), and occupies 2.73% of land area. The spatial distribution of land surface water is extremely uneven and is gathered mainly in mid- to high-latitude area of the Northern Hemisphere and tropic area. The comparison of water ratio between 2000 and 2010 indicates the overall fluctuation is small but spatially differentiated. The Global Land 30-water products and the statistics provided the fundamental information for analyzing the spatial distribution pattern and temporal fluctuation of land surface water and diagnosing the global ecosystem and environment. Land surface water (LSW) is one of the most important resources for human survival and development, and it is also a main component of global water recycling. A full understanding of the spatial distribution of land surface water and a continuous measuring of its dynamics can support to diagnose the global ecosystem and environment. Based on the Global Land 30-water 2000 and Global Land 30-water 2010 products, this research analyzed the spatial distribution pattern and temporal fluctuation of land surface water under scale-levels of global, latitude and longitude, continents, and climate zones. The Global Land 30-water products were corrected the temporal inconsistency of original remotely sensed data using MODIS time-series data, and then calculated the indices such as water area, water ration and coefficient of spatial variation for Further analysis. Results show that total water area of ​​land surface is about 3.68 million km2 (2010), and occupies 2.73% of land area. The spatial distrib ution of land surface water is extremely uneven and is gathered mainly in mid- to high-latitude area of ​​the Northern Hemisphere and tropic area. The comparison of water ratio between 2000 and 2010 indicates the overall fluctuation is small but spatially differentiated. The Global Land 30-water products and the statistics provided the fundamental information for analyzing the spatial distribution pattern and temporal fluctuation of land surface water and diagnosed the global ecosystem and environment.
22岁的微晓,去年7月从浙江工业大学旅游管理专业毕业之后,就来到北京北平国际青年旅舍当前台服务员。    在此之前,微晓对于青年旅舍几乎一无所知:在大学里,老师从未介绍过这间连锁酒店。而最近四个月的工作经历,颠覆了她对酒店的传统认知。她说这里甚至有点像电视剧《武林外传》里的同福客栈。  同那些在五星级酒店从保洁员干起,以及已经转行的同学相比,微晓觉得自己已属幸运。她不用把过多时间花费在熟悉繁文缛节
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