一、单项选择题(在每小题的四个备选答案中选出一个正确的答案,并将正确的号码写在题干后面的括号内。每小题1分,共15分) 1.中华人民共和国成立后,我国进入了一个新的时期,这个时期是( ) ①新民主主义时期;②国家资本主义时期;③过渡时期;④社会主义建设时期。 2.在社会主义公有制条件下,劳动者和生产资料结合的特点是( ) ①直接结合;②间接结合;③有时直接结合,有时间接结合;④互相结合。 3.社会主义国民收入的初次分配是在( ) ①全社会范围内进行的;②物质生产领域进行的;③非物质生产领域进行的;④流通领域进行的。 4.综合平衡主要包括四个方面的平衡,其中最根本的平衡是( ) ①物资供求平衡;②外汇收支平衡;③财政收支平衡;④信贷收支平衡。 5.我国进行社会主义现代化建设的立足点是( ) ①自力更生;②发展对外经济关系;⑨自给自足;④依靠国外援助。 6.供销合作社商业在1983年中央决定恢复基层供销社的所有制性质是( ) ①国营商业;②集体商业;③个体商业;④国家资本主义商业。 7.按比例分配社会劳动是( ) ①资本主义社会特有的经济规律;②社会主义社
1. Multiple choice questions (Choose the correct answer out of the four possible answers for each quiz and write the correct number in brackets after the title.) 1 point for each quiz, 15 points. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, our country has entered a new period. This period is (1) the period of the new democracy, (2) the period of state capitalism, (3) the period of transition, and (4) the period of socialist construction. 2. Under the conditions of socialist public ownership, the combination of workers and means of production is characterized by (1) direct combination; (2) indirect combination; (3) sometimes direct combination with time to combine; (4) combination with each other. 3. The initial distribution of socialist national income is carried out within the framework of (1) the whole society, (2) in the field of material production, (3) in the field of non-material production, and (4) in the circulation field. 4. Comprehensive balance mainly includes the balance of four aspects, of which the most fundamental balance is (1) the balance of supply and demand of materials; (2) the balance of foreign exchange receipts and payments; (3) the balance of financial revenues and expenditures; and (4) the balance of credit revenues and expenditures. 5. The foothold in China’s socialist modernization drive is (1) self-reliance; (2) development of foreign economic relations; (9) self-sufficiency; and (4) reliance on foreign assistance. 6. Supply and Marketing Cooperatives The central government decided in 1983 to restore the basic ownership of the supply and marketing cooperatives (①) state-owned commerce; 7. The proportional distribution of social labor is (1) the unique economic laws of capitalist society; (2) the socialist society