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中国以昂扬的姿态与神韵跨进了21世纪的门坎,迎来更富裕更繁荣的发展新时空。“中国人富起来了!”这是全中国的共识。“富”起来的原因可以说上百条、千条,但我以为,“科学技术是第一生产力”命题的提出和发挥出的作用是不容低估的至关重要的一条。20年前,邓小平同志先是提出“科学技术是生产力”这样前所未闻的命题,尔后又强调指出:“科学技术是第一生产力!”也是在这段时间内,邓小平同志又振聋发聩地指出:“知识分子是工人阶级的一部分。”正是由于这一个问题两个方面的开明政治局面的萌生,才渐渐扫去知识分子头上长期笼罩的阴霾,使他们获得了第二次也是真正意义上的解放;“知识越多越反动”的怪论也渐渐被“知识就是力量”、“科学技术是第一生产力”所战胜,科学技术才开天辟地第一次赢得大多数中国人的普遍敬重。当然,这一系列观念的普遍形成是经过长 With its high attitude and charm, China stepped into the threshold of the 21st century and ushered in a richer and more prosperous new era of development. “The Chinese are getting rich!” This is the consensus of all China. The reasons for the rise of the “rich” can be said to be hundreds or thousands, but I think the proposition and role played by the proposition that science and technology is the primary force of production can not be underestimated. Twenty years ago, Comrade Deng Xiaoping first proposed something like “science and technology are productive forces.” He later stressed: “Science and technology are the primary productive forces!” It is also during this period that Comrade Deng Xiaoping “It is precisely because of the enlightened political situation in these two aspects of the issue that the intelligentsia is a part of the working class. Only then has it gradually eclipsed the long-held shadow of the intelligentsia, The second is also the real sense of liberation; the more the more knowledge, the more reactionary, the weird theory is gradually being overcome by ”knowledge is power“ and ”science and technology are primary productive forces" Once won the majority of Chinese people generally respected. Of course, the widespread formation of this series of ideas is over
本文以现场检验分析为基础,找出了20CrMnTi(H)钢低倍夹杂产生的原因,提出了预防措施。 Based on the field test and analysis, this paper finds out the causes of the lo
本文从小方坯连铸弹簧钢就过热度、电磁搅拌参数、白亮带对连铸坯质量的影响等方面入手,进行了初步的现场试验和分析,并提出了一阶段的项们攻关建议。 This article from the