“Kanto School of Painting ” is a group of painters active in the Kanto Earth, cohesion under the banner of realism, the main character painting. They adhere to the realism of artistic creation techniques, the theme of the work distinctive, intense colors. Its characteristics are concerned about life, attention to life, concerned about the reality. The Kanto School of Painting is a force that steadfastly takes the path of realism in the Chinese painting society. They cherish a sense of history and social responsibility. They insist on proceeding from reality, going to life, going among the masses, observing, feeling and experiencing Accumulate, courageously touch and show major themes, painting history paintings, in order to carry forward the great national ethos, praising the great style of the times. The painters of the Kanto School, in the direction of inheriting and developing the spirit of realism, endeavored to express their true feelings in their hearts and express their beauty in life and in nature.