Readjustments in U.S. Cross-Taiwan Strait Policy

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Washington had all along followed an ambiguity policy over its possible military intervention in a Taiwan contingency. However, recent years have witnessed readjustments towards "double clarity" of a possible military response in case of a Chinese-initiated use of force and potential inaction in the event of a conflict derived from Taiwanese provocations to change the status quo by seeking de jure independence. In other words, it spells a policy shift toward "dual deterrence," namely to deter the Chinese mainland from using force in seeking national reunification and to deter Taiwan from moving toward de jure independence. To prevent such eventuality, Washington made direct appeal to the Taiwan public to make clear its opposition to Taiwan independence.The reasons behind the readjustments are not far to seek. They reflect shifts in U.S. strategic focus, changes in its China policy, political developments on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and President Bush's personal disgust with former Taiwan leader Chen Shuibian's cunning tricks.However, resumption of Cross-Strait dialogue in the wake of the return to power of the Kuomintang (National Party) through the ballot in March may bring about new worries and possible further readjustments in U.S. cross-strait policy after the November presidential elections. Though uncertainties remain, in the pipeline may be an endeavor to prevent excessive cross-strait warmth and a possible tilt of Taiwan to the Chinese Mainland.
唐代大诗人白居易酷爱围棋,且棋艺精深。他在给友人的诗中毫不掩饰地说:“棋罢嫌无敌,诗成愧在前。”他在为官期间,公务之余,常常下棋。  宋代大文学家欧阳修也爱好围棋。他下棋时,专心致志,忘记一切,虽有大山在眼前他看不到,纵使响雷破柱他也听不见。他视下棋为最快乐之事,比亲临前线观“逐鹿之战”还更有趣;比在洞庭湖听奏“九歌”还更好听。  南宋文天祥下棋别具一格,常将下棋与游泳结合一起,做到“脑力和体力并
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