0 前 言声发射技术由于具有其他某些无损检测技术无法比拟与替代的优点 ,在无损检测、故障状态检测及其他相关的应用和研究领域中扮演着越来越重要的角色。同时声发射检测仪器的发展和完善 ,使其应用领域不断扩大。在研究对象不断复杂 ,研究问题不断深入的今天 ,在医学检测中
0 Introduction Acoustic emission technology plays an increasingly important role in the field of nondestructive testing, fault condition testing and other related applications and research due to its advantages over other non-destructive testing techniques. At the same time, the development and improvement of acoustic emission testing instruments have expanded their applications. In the research object is complex, research problems continue to deepen today in medical testing