
来源 :现代经济信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BalloonMan_Again
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处在转型期的中国,既是黄金发展期.又是矛盾突现期。在这种全方位的制度变迁中,政府该何去何从?政府该如何扮演好自己的角色?政府能否掌舵好中国这艘大船在转型期顺利地驶向既定目标?这些问题都有待于我们做出明确的回答。本文从诺思的制度变迁理论出发,探讨了政府在制度变迁过程中的作用及政府行为的二重性。 In the transitional period of China, it is both a golden period of development and an emergent period of contradictions. In this all-encompassing institutional change, what should the government do and how should the government play its role? Will the government be able to take a helm of China’s large-scale ship smoothly during the transition to the established goal? All these problems have yet to be resolved Clear answer. Based on the theory of institutional change of North, this paper explores the role of government in the process of institutional change and the duality of government behavior.
目的 :观察氩激光视网膜光凝术治疗增殖前期和增殖期糖尿病视网膜病变 (diabeticretinopathy ,DR)疗效。方法 :对 70例 (118眼 ,其中增殖前期 2 5眼 ,增殖期 93眼 )DR病人 ,