Simulation and quantitative analysis of fluorescence intensity distribution based on the Monte Carlo

来源 :JournalofInnovativeOpticalHealthSciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sjhung888
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The Monte Carlo method is a versatile simulation algorithm to model the propagation of photons inside the biological tissues. It has been applied to the reconstruction of the fluorescence molecular tomography (FMT). However, such method suffers from low computational efficiency, and the time consumption is not desirable. One way to solve this problem is to introduce a priori knowledge which will facilitate iterative convergence. We presented an in vivo simulation environment for fluorescence molecular tomography (ISEFMT) using the Monte Carlo method to simulate the photon distribution of fluorescent objects and their sectional view in any direction quantitatively. A series of simulation experiments were carried out on different phantoms each with two fluorescent volumes to investigate the relationship among fluorescence intensity distribution and the excitation photon number, the locations and sizes of the fluorescence volumes, and the anisotropy coefficient. A significant principle was discovered, that along the direction of the excitation light, the fluorescent volume near the excitation point will provide shelter effect so that the energy of the fluorescent volume farther away from the excitation point is relatively lower. Through quantitative analysis, it was discovered that both the photon energy distribution on every cross section and the fluorescence intensity distributed in the two volumes exhibit exponential relationships. The two maximum positions in this distribution correspond to the centers of fluorescent volumes. Finally, we also explored the effect of the phantom coefficients on the exponential rule, and found out that the exponential rule still exists, only the coefficient of the exponential rule changed. Such results can be utilized in locating the positions of multiple fluorescent volumes in complicated FMT reconstruction involving multiple fluorescent volumes. Thus, a priori knowledge can be generalized, which would accelerate the reconstruction of FMT and even other images.
提出了一种基于集成卷积神经网络(CNN)的遥感影像场景分类算法。通过构建反向传播网络实现了场景图像的复杂度度量;根据图像的复杂度级别,选择CNN对图像进行分类,完成了遥感影像的场景分类。使用所提出的算法对NWPU-RESISC45公开数据集进行了实验验证,取得了89.33%(第一类实验)和92.53%(第二类实验)的分类准确率,平均运行时间为0.41 s。相比于精调训练的VGG-16模型,所提算法


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设计并搭建了被动全光同步的全保偏光纤激光系统,该系统能够长时稳定输出时域精确同步的双色超快脉冲。被动同步系统包含两台基于非线性放大环形镜锁模的掺铒与掺镱全保偏光纤激光振荡器,采用主从注入式整体结构,借助注入脉冲在从激光谐振腔中引入的非对易非线性相移,获得了自适应同步的锁模脉冲输出。通过优化主激光注入脉冲能量和从激光器腔内滤波带宽等实验参数,获得了长达26 mm的腔长失配容忍度。该脉冲同步系统具有结构简单、即插即用、稳定性好、保偏输出等优点。
In order to get a satisfactory image fusion effect, getting a focus map is very necessary and usually difficult to finish. In this paper, we address this problem with a half weighted gradient approach, aiming to obtain a direct mapping be-tween focus map