四川盆地天然气资源丰富 ,其资源量逾 7万亿立方米 ,但是经过 70余年的油气勘探 ,至今探明度不足 9%。前 2 0年发现的石炭系气藏 ,目前仍是主力产气层 ,其探明储量只有 170 0亿立方米 ,难以满足人们长期对天然气的需求。经过近几年的勘探 ,终于在四川盆地找到了新气藏 ,这就是
The Sichuan Basin is rich in natural gas with a resource of over 7 trillion cubic meters. However, after more than 70 years of oil and gas exploration, less than 9% of its proven resources have been discovered so far. Carboniferous gas reservoirs discovered in the previous 20 years are still the main gas-producing reservoirs with proven reserves of only 170 billion cubic meters, which is hard to meet people’s long-term demand for natural gas. After some exploration in recent years, finally found a new gas reservoir in the Sichuan Basin, which is