The quality of 13 domestically produced tumor markers IRMA and RIA kits was tested with quality control samples produced by Bio-rad in the United States, CANAG in Sweden, and national quality control serum as standard materials. The Bmax/Bmin ratios of the 9 IRMA kits were all greater than 20, the average batch coefficient of variation (ABCV) was less than 4%, r> 0.9900, and the 4 RIA kits had an NSB/T% <5, B0/T>30. |r|>0.9900, ED (effective dose value) 25, ED50, and ED75 are all within the dose-response curve. The mean value of quality control samples for each kit was within the respective reference range, and the inter-assay coefficient of variation did not exceed 15%. The mean value of quality control samples for carbohydrate antigens and prostate specific antigen kits is very close to that provided by similar foreign kits, suggesting that the quality of these domestic kits has come a long way. No. is the product of company C, and * is the product of D. Table 2 shows the dose-response curve parameters, logdose-logitB/B0 linear regression fitting parameters and foreign quality control samples for three 3-batch four RIA kits. Statistical analysis data with the mean value of the quality control serum. 1. NSB/T%: all less than 5, in line with inspection requirements. 2. B0/T%: all greater than 30, in line with inspection requirements. 3. ABCV%: both less than 4, meet the inspection requirements. 4. |r|: Both are greater than 0.9900 and meet inspection requirements. 5. ED25, ED50, and ED75: In addition to the CA27-29 ED75 (1?