目的:比较珍珠粉及珍珠提取液的眼部给药体外释药规律,探讨珍珠粉及珍珠提取液的释药机理。方法:采用离体角膜立式扩散池法,以总氮含量为考察指标对珍珠粉与珍珠提取液的体外释药规律进行研究。结果:珍珠提取液30 min内基本达到释药平衡,释药迅速,并且完全;而珍珠粉末释药缓慢,并且释药不完全,240 min时,累积释药量仅达到16.6%,小于20%。结论:珍珠提取液眼部给药体外释药速度及累积释药量显著高于珍珠粉末。珍珠粉眼部给药具有缓慢释药特性。
OBJECTIVE: To compare the drug release in vitro of pearl powder and pearl extract in vitro and explore the drug release mechanism of pearl powder and pearl extract. Methods: In vitro corneal vertical diffusion cell method was used to study the in vitro drug release of pearl powder and pearl extract. RESULTS: The pearl extracts basically reached the drug release equilibrium within 30 minutes, and the drug release was rapid and complete. The pearl powder release was slow and the drug release was incomplete. At 240 minutes, the cumulative drug release reached only 16.6%, less than 20%. . Conclusion: The release rate and cumulative drug release of pearl extract in vitro are significantly higher than that of pearl powder. Pearl powder eye administration has a slow release profile.