企业要搞活经营,上马适销对路的新产品需要将国内外市场供求、产品开发、科研动态、政策动态等各方面的综合信息进行综合,针对自己企业的具体情况,拿出切实可行的点子。 其实,每一个企业的管理者、科研人员、营销人员,动动脑筋,综合自己掌握的信息,都能“悟”出一两个甚至多个“锦囊妙计”来。 如果你正为自己的企业不景气,没有好产品或为打开产品市场发愁,寄希望于“点子大王”或“点子公司”,给你拿出“好点子”。不妨也自己转动一下脑筋,去琢磨一下,也许能拿出一两个好点子呢?“点子”本来就是一点就破的,它也许就在你身边。 本栏收进了一些“如何想出点子”的小技巧、小方法,也许能为您打开一些思路。 《点子库》栏目从本期起开张,欢迎广大读者也给我们献计献策,出点子。办好这个属于我们大家的栏目。
In order to invigorate the business, the company needs to integrate comprehensive information on supply and demand in the domestic and foreign markets, product development, scientific research trends, and policy dynamics, and come up with practical ideas for the specific situation of its own company. In fact, each company’s managers, researchers, and marketers use their brains to synthesize the information they have and they can “make sense” of one or two or even more “tricks”. If you are struggling for your own business, don’t have good products or worry about opening the product market, look for “principle king” or “point subsidiary company” to give you “good ideas.” Maybe you also turn your brains and think about it, maybe you can come up with a good idea or two? The idea has always been a little broken, and it may be by your side. This column contains some tips and tricks for “How to come up with ideas” that may open up some ideas for you. The “Point Library” column opens from this issue. Welcome readers to give us advice and suggestions. Run this column that belongs to us all.