
来源 :西南林学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ys331223
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在处理林业问题时,往往要考虑多方面的因素,经常要面对多种多样的选择方案,它们彼此之间的关系错综复杂,甚至有的还互相矛盾,决策者就是要从中找出合理的选择。由于数学规划方法能处理在经营活动中各种各样约束条件下找出实现某些目标最优的方案这样一类十分广泛的问题,因此在林业中受到了普遍重视。数学规划方法在林业中的应用从50年代就已开始。不过,最初的应用只是用数学规划方法去处理很简单的问题。70年代以后,它的应用进入了全盛阶段,除最初所用的线性规划外的其它数学规划方法也得到了比较广泛的应用。 When dealing with forestry issues, we often have to consider many factors. We often have to face a wide range of options. Their relationship is complicated and sometimes contradictory. Policymakers need to find a reasonable choice . Because of the very wide range of problems that mathematic planning methods can address under certain constraints in their business activities to achieve some of the most optimal objectives, there is widespread emphasis in forestry. The application of mathematical programming in forestry has been under way since the 1950s. However, the initial application was to use mathematical programming to deal with very simple questions. Since the 1970s, its application has entered its heyday, and other mathematical programming methods besides the originally used linear programming have also been widely used.
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