汽配市场管理新模式 经营商户入股兴市场——记上海大唐汽配快修连锁公司与上海东方汽配城合作管理市场新模式

来源 :中国汽配市场 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kobe7751790
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汽配市场如何管理?应以怎样的管理方式来有效促进市场的招商、安商、兴商、兴市?这一直是管理部门多年来研究探讨的课题。上海沪大汽配市场以市场邀请经营户合作管理市场的新型模式,从而使市场扭亏为盈,焕发出勃勃生机的兴旺经营景象。 Auto parts market how to manage? What kind of management should be based on the effective promotion of the market investment, security, Hing Shing, Xing? This has been the management of research topics for many years. Shanghai and Shanghai auto market with the market to invite business operators to co-manage the market a new model, so that the market turnaround, full of vigor and vitality booming business scene.