山西武乡全方位发展红色旅游 太行山上红旗飘——山西武乡全方位发展红色旅游

来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lqwhappy
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坐落在太行山深处的山西省长治市武乡县,被誉为“八路军的故乡,子弟兵的摇篮”。近年来,武乡深入挖掘红色旅游资源,率先提出了八路军文化概念,并在此基础上大力发展红色旅游,先后举办了两届八路军文化旅游节大力宣传八路军文化,同时还举全县之力打 Located in Wuxiang County, Changzhi City, Shanxi Province, which is located in the depths of the Taihang Mountains, it has been hailed as the “hometown of the Eighth Route Army and the cradle of military forces.” In recent years, Wuxiang digging red tourism resources, first proposed the concept of the Eighth Route Army culture, and on this basis, the development of red tourism, has held two Eighth Route Army Cultural Tourism Festival to vigorously promote the Eighth Route Army culture, but also the power of the county
Q:你最开始对群众路线教育活动的认识是什么?有没有想象成就是一阵风,过去就算了?那现在对这次活动认识更加深刻了?  A:最初我是在《新闻联播》中看到,中央决定由政治局带头、自上而下在全党开展党的群众路线教育实践活动,我立即上网搜索了“群众路线”的含义和背景。群众路线是党的根本路线,是我们党在长期革命和建设中制胜的法宝,是毛泽东思想活的灵魂三个基本方面之一。当时虽然觉得中央开展这项活动,必定有很强的