Acute anterior wall and right ventricular myocardial infarction is rare. Now the right anterior myocardial infarction with right chest lead (V3R, V4R) ECG ST elevation analysis is discussed below. Male patient, 52 years old. Because of “sudden chest pain with sweating 2h ” admission. Physical examination: blood pressure: 105 / 75mmHg, heart rate: 64bpm, sweating, no jugular vein engorgement, cardiopulmonary auscultation no abnormalities. Electrocardiogram (Figure 1): Sinus rhythm (58bpm). QRS wave morphology: V1 lead was qrs, V2 was qr type. In the ST segment, the lead of V1 ~ V4, V3R, V4R, aVR and aVL were elevated by 0.1 ~ 0.6mV, the most significant increase of the lead of V2 was 0.6mV, V2> V1> V3R> V7 ~ V9 lead ST segment depression 0.1 ~ 0.2mV. Tip acute anterior wall, right ventricular myocardial infarction. Urgent search of myocardial enzymes: CK1945U / L (Reference