Exogenous compounds on the cell membrane polyunsaturated fatty acids peroxidation is one of the mechanisms of tissue damage, such as bromine trichloroethane, carbon tetrachloride and other organizations have a significant role in damage. Other such as paracetamol, benzene bromide, adriamycin, stone grass withered, its damage to the organization’s importance is still debated and needs further discussion. Mitchell reviewed several liver-toxin causing agents and proposed that Paracetamol and bromobenzene cause hepatocellular necrosis due to depletion of glutathione in hepatocytes. This phenomenon is not related to primary hepatocyte damage, ie, the measured lipid peroxides are not the cause of cell death but rather the consequence. However, a recent report by the authors found that brominated benzene can cause early toxicity to cells in rat hepatocyte monolayer culture. The main evidence is that the addition of the antioxidant NN-diphenyl-P-styrenediamine (DPPD) can only delay its inability to prevent its toxicity to cultured hepatocytes. It is brominated benzene aromatic