植根于浙江文化传统的浙江人文精神的具体内容主要体现在五个方面 :一、“天人合一 ,万物一体”的整体和谐精神 ;二、“实事求是 ,破除迷信”的批判求实精神 ;三、“经世致用”的实学精神 ;四、“工商为本”的人文精神 ;五、教育优先、人才第一的文化精神。这种人文精神传统 ,在当代浙江发展市场经济、开拓创新、振兴文教、保护生态环境等方面有积极意义。
The specific content of Zhejiang’s humanistic spirit rooted in Zhejiang’s cultural tradition is mainly reflected in five aspects: First, the overall spirit of harmony of “harmony between man and nature”; second, the critical and realistic spirit of “seeking truth from facts and breaking superstition; , ”Practical knowledge of the world“ spirit; four, ”business-oriented" humanistic spirit; five, education priority, talent first cultural spirit. This tradition of humanistic spirit has positive significance in contemporary Zhejiang developing market economy, pioneering and innovating, rejuvenating culture and education, and protecting the ecological environment.