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黄河引黄水闸建筑在黄河大堤上,主要功能是引黄河水对下游农田进行灌溉,黄河水闸为山东沿黄各地的经济发展做出了巨大贡献,保证了山东省粮食事项每年连增。但是,由于引黄水闸建设普遍较早,搞好水闸工程管理的前提就是实施严格的工程普查,并就普查中发现的问题提出处理措施。1水闸构成及管理要求黄河水闸工程由闸室、防渗排水、消能防冲、两岸连接以及管护设施组成。其中闸室是水闸工程的主体,由底板、闸墩、工作桥以及启闭机房、检修便桥、交通桥等组成。防渗排水工程包括铺盖、垂直防渗体、排水井等,消能防冲工程包括陡坡、消力池、消力坎、护坦、海漫、防冲槽以及护坡等;两岸连接工程包括岸墙、上下游翼墙、上下游护坡及堤岸等。水闸工程管护设施包括水闸工程的管理范围和保护范围、工程观测项目以及设施、交通设施、通信设施和生活设施等。 The Yellow River Diversion Project is built on the Yellow River embankment. Its main function is to divert water from the Yellow River to irrigate the lower reaches of the farmland. The Yellow River sluice has made great contributions to the economic development in all areas along the Yellow River in Shandong Province. This ensures that the number of grain items in Shandong Province will increase annually. However, due to the construction of the Yellow River Diversion Sluice is generally premature, the premise of doing a good job of sluice project management is to implement a strict engineering census and put forward the handling measures on the problems found in the census. 1 sluice structure and management requirements of the Yellow River sluice project by the sluice chamber, seepage drainage, energy dissipation, cross-strait connection and management and protection facilities. Among them, the gate chamber is the main part of the sluice project, which is composed of the base plate, gate pier, working bridge, hoist room, overhaul bridge and traffic bridge. Anti-seepage drainage works include bedding cover, vertical seepage control body, drainage wells, etc., energy-saving anti-erosion projects including steep slopes, stilling pool, Walls, upper and lower wing walls, upstream and downstream slope protection and embankment. Sluice project management and protection facilities, including sluice project management scope and scope of protection, engineering observation projects and facilities, transport facilities, communications facilities and living facilities.
在1840—1949 年的100多年间,江苏以其优越的自然条件,秀美的自然风光,丰厚的历史文化积淀,良好的经济发展区位,地处吸收外来文化的前沿,在优秀古代园林的基础上, 其近代园林
<正> 戴震为清代巨儒,昔章太炎谓"震始入四库馆,诸儒皆震竦之,愿敛衽为弟子,天下视文士渐轻"(《检论》卷四)。其学问之大,此一言以蔽之矣!然戴氏的著述和文章究竟知多少?曲阜
回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield
回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield