威廉·巴罗(William James Barrow)是美国人,1904年出生于弗吉尼亚州的布龙斯维克县,1967年去世.他1923年毕业于兰多弗—麦孔学院.毕业后,他在调查研究巴罗家族史的过程中,发现许多档案文件已经发脆和变质,于是对纸张变质问题产生了兴趣,决心学习这方面的知识.他前往美国首都华盛顿,在玛丽安·兰奈小姐的工作室学习图书装订技术,并经常到美国国会图书馆参观和学习丝网加固文件方法.1932年,他在里士满的弗吉尼亚州立图书馆大楼内设立了一个文献修复室,1935年又把文献修复室迁到纽波特纽斯的马里奈尔博物馆内,直到1940年为止.在这期间,他发现几乎没有什么关于纸张变质的可靠资料可供利用.为什么18世纪的手稿已经发脆变质无法利用呢?人们的回答总是说那种手稿“陈旧了”.可是,巴罗发现,17世纪中叶以前生产的纸,除使用酸性
William James Barrow, an American born in Broonswick County, Virginia, in 1904, died in 1967. He graduated from Landover-Macon College in 1923. After graduation, he was investigating During his study of Barrow’s family history, many archives were found to have become brittle and metamorphosed, and they became interested in the problem of paper deterioration and determined to learn the knowledge. He traveled to Washington, DC, where he worked for Miss Maryan Lanna He studied bookbinding techniques and frequently visited the Library of Congress to study how to wire-harden documents.1 In 1932 he set up a literature restoration room in the Virginia State Library building in Richmond, The room moved to the Marnell Museum in Newport News until 1940. During this period he found little reliable information about the deterioration of the paper available.Why did the 18th century manuscripts have been rendered inaccessible People’s replies always say that kind of manuscript “old. ” However, Barrow found that the mid-17th century, before the production of paper, in addition to the use of acid