
来源 :文艺理论与批评 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shengfusky
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毛泽东与“百花齐放,百家争鸣”陈晋一随着50年代中期社会主义经济建设高潮的到来,毛泽东希望出现一个文化建设的高潮。而反过来看文艺界的现状,在连续几次发起规模很大的批判唯心论的运动(这是必要和有成效的,但方式未必得当)之后,又提出胡风一案,搞得那样惨重... Mao Zedong and “All-out Flowers, Contend for All” Chen Jinyi With the advent of the climax of socialist economic construction in the mid-1950s, Mao Zedong hoped for a climax of cultural construction. On the other hand, after looking at the status quo in literary and art circles, after several successive campaigns of criticizing idealism, which are necessary and effective, but not necessarily in the right way, Hu Feng’s case was again made so heavy ...
例1 商鞅变法规定:民众“戮力本业,耕织致粟帛多者复其身。事末利及怠而贫者,举以为收孥”。对材料理解准确的是( )  A.统治者重视民营手工业的发展  B.有利于杜绝奴隶存在  C.有利于封建小农经济的发展  D.禁止商业的发展  解析 解答此题,首先要明确材料所涉及到的改革措施,从“本业、事末”“耕织致粟帛多者”等信息可知是指重农抑商、奖励耕织。然后分析四个选项是否与此政策对应,A项与重农抑商相