The drama “Oil Triumph”, a drama co-produced and performed by China Youth Art Theater, is a successful attempt to reflect the Daqing oil battle in the artistic image of the stage. It is a great encouragement to the workers in the oil industry. Since the comrades of the theater conscientiously implemented the principle of serving the workers, peasants and soldiers and serving the workers, peasants and soldiers as well as serving socialism with revolutionary enthusiasm, the theater comrades lived in Daqing Oil Field for more than a year, eating and living with workers and living with them Work, the life of the creative activities with the close combination, repeatedly written, repeatedly row, constantly changing, therefore, this drama, both in terms of the script’s ideological and artistic, or from the performance of skills point of view, the foundation is better . Although the play is just a driller in the Daqing oil war, the description of this drilling crew reflects the heroic deeds of the oil war and epitomizes some major issues. We think the theme of “Oil Triumph” is clear