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如今,村镇的路灯安上了,每天晚上送电,早晨停电,也是一个不大不小的麻烦.我们使用上海产的音片定时开关钟及交流接触器,研制成功了路灯自动控制装置.线路如下图. Nowadays, the street lamps in the villages and towns are put on. Every night, the electricity is delivered in the morning and the blackouts in the morning are also an indispensable trouble. We have successfully developed the automatic street lamp control system by using the Shanghai-made tone-timed switching clocks and AC contactors. As shown below.
就在Intel的Pentium Pro处理器顺应公司用户向Windows NT环境迁移的趋势而准备大显身手之时,Pentium Ⅱ问世了。与Pentium Pro相比,PentiumⅡ的速度更快、更适应多媒体应用,
光动力学-图像法鼻咽癌早期诊断与定位的临床前研究构想 Photodynamic - imaging method of early diagnosis and localization of nasopharyngeal carcinoma preclinical r
目的 探讨表面麻醉下白内障摘出及人工晶体植入术的临床效果。方法 本组300例白内障患者使用0.4%盐酸丁氧普鲁卡因表面麻醉后行巩膜隧道切口或透明角膜切口摘除白内障并植入人
In order to study the liquid-phase chemical behavior of Sg,solvent extraction experiments withα- benzoinoxime of the group 6 elements have been tested with mic
摘要:随着课程改革的不断推进.三年级的作文过渡教学要更适应学生素质的要求.教师必须转变作文教学的观念.大胆创新,寻求一种新的教学思路,采用更灵活、更科学的教法,善于张扬学生的个性。发挥学生的主动性。让他们真正自觉地愿意用自己独特的笔触,描绘出他们眼中及内心那丰富多彩的世界。这样.小学语文作文教学的实效就能显现。  关键词:张扬习作:鼓励学生    一、鼓励学生写“真话”,自由作文,开启灵性    
A series of novel L-amino acid esters prodrugs of acyclic nucleoside phosphonates was synthesized and their anti-HBVactivity was evaluated in HepG2 2.2.15 cells