近年来 ,我局在加强技术创新、培养人才、促进各类技术和管理人员成长成才方面做了积极的努力 ,各级项目部不仅注重创造经济效益和社会信誉 ,而且把培养人才、积累经验、提高技术工艺作为工作重点 ,各项目部积极鼓励技术人员学技术、攻难关、写论文、出成果 ,取得了明显的成效
In recent years, our bureau has made active efforts in strengthening technological innovation, training talents and promoting the growth of all kinds of technical and managerial personnel. The project departments at all levels not only pay attention to creating economic benefits and social credibility, but also train personnel, gain experience, Improve the technical process as the focus of work, the project department to actively encourage technical staff to learn technology, tackling difficult problems, writing essay, out of results, and achieved remarkable results