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2012年,郑州市文物考古研究院对新郑市冯庄水库东岸进行了文物钻探,发现大中小型墓葬数十座。在发掘的19座大中型墓葬中,12HZXTM1414是铁岭墓地西北缘一处墓地中级别最高的墓葬。该墓重要铜器被盗一空,从残留的青铜鼎、盘、编钟、编磬等可知为大夫或士一级墓,其所出的陶器对铁岭墓地陶器分期具有重要意义。 In 2012, Zhengzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archeology drilled relics on the eastern bank of Fengzhuang Reservoir in Xinzheng City, and found dozens of large, medium and large tombs. Of the 19 large and medium-sized tombs explored, 12HZXTM1414 is the tallest grave in a graveyard on the northwestern margin of Tieling’s graveyard. The tomb of the bronze was stolen, from the remaining bronze tripod, plate, chime, ed hardy and so on as a doctor or a tomb, the pottery on the Tieling cemetery pottery staging is of great significance.