概述2015年7月1日至4日,由新西兰奥克兰大学埃兰艺术学院(Elam School of Fine Arts)、中国山东工艺美术学院共同主办的第二届国际公共艺术奖论坛在新西兰奥克兰大学举行。国际公共艺术协会(IPA)是本届论坛的指导单位,上海大学美术学院是学术支持单位。大会为期四天,以“全球变化大背景下的城市——公共艺术与环境社会生态”为主题,旨在探讨艺术及其与城市发展之间的关系。论坛共分为两大部分:一、第二届国际公共艺术奖获奖
Overview The 2nd International Public Art Awards Forum, co-sponsored by the Elam School of Fine Arts at Auckland University in New Zealand and the China Academy of Arts and Crafts in Shandong, July 1-4, 2015, was held at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. The International Association of Public Art (IPA) is the guide for this forum, and the Academy of Fine Arts of Shanghai University is an academic support unit. The four-day conference, with the theme of “Cities in the Background of Global Change - Public Art and Environmental Social Ecology”, aims to explore the relationship between art and its development with cities. The forum is divided into two parts: First, the second prize of international public art award