刺人参(Echinopanax elatus Nakai)属五加科刺人参属,是一种珍贵的多年生药用植物。主产于我国吉林省长白山海拔1300—1600米的针叶林带及辽宁东部山区海拔800一1000米的松杉林下。近年随着民间用药和科研的需要,采挖日重,自然资源遭受很大破坏,长白山天池附近原有一片天然生长的刺人参已被挖绝,其它几片也残存无几。为保护珍贵资源,我们于1981年开始野生变家种试验,效果较好。现报道如下。
Echinopanax elatus Nakai is a precious perennial medicinal plant belonging to the genus Glichenia. Mainly produced in Changbai Mountain, Jilin Province, China 1300-600 meters above sea level coniferous forest belt and the eastern Liaoning mountains 800 meters above sea level fir cedar. In recent years, with the need for folk medicine and scientific research, digging heavily, natural resources have been greatly damaged, Changbai Mountain Tianchi near the original natural growth of acanthopanax glabra has been excavated, and a few other pieces also survived. In order to protect precious resources, we began to experiment wildly in 1981 with better results. Report as follows now.