Liang Mou, male, 6 days. August 5, 1985 admitted. On behalf of the complaint: Children with frequent picking, with difficult mouth opening day hospital treatment. There will be no milk in the morning, and the cry will be hoarse at first, followed by silence, with frequent convulsions. When the attack occurred, the face and lips were cyanosis, the face was laughing, the jaws were tight, and there was apnea. After questioning his medical history, he used unclean scissors to break the umbilicus. Normal body temperature. Neonatal tetanus was diagnosed. After the application of western medicine tetanus antitoxin 25000 units (tetanus antitoxin 5,000 units umbilical period closed), and with penicillin anti-infection, stability and anti-spasmodic, and oxygen, infusion and other supportive therapy, the condition failed to control. The next day, I got fever, cough, phlegm in my throat, twitching.