沔城,这座具有1400多年历史的文化古城,犹如一朵清水芙蓉,芬芳四溢,楚楚动人,全国民族团结进步模范单位,湖北省楚天明星乡镇;湖北省农业百强乡镇……每一座丰碑昭示着一个现代化的文明乡镇正在迅猛崛起,写满了古城人民艰苦创业的汗水和足迹,展示了古城人民憧憬未来的希望和梦想。春风拂面,桃花盛开的日子,我们在古城随手采撷了几朵精神文明之花。1 空谈害人害己,实干鲜花满园。沔城镇党委深谙此道理。如何避虚求实找准精神文明工作的着力点,这是他们一直潜心探索的事。近年来,该镇从党建工作着手,分别与全镇49个党支部签订了党建责任状。责任状用百分制考核,年终得分情况作为各支部评先、评优的重要依据,并与
Tancheng, this ancient city of 1400 years of history, like a clear water lotus, fragrant, lovely, national unity and progress model units, Hubei Province, Chutian star Township; The monument shows that a modern, civilized township is rapidly rising, filled with the sweat and footprints of the arduous pioneering work of the ancient city, demonstrating the hope and dream of the ancient city people looking forward to the future. Spring breeze was blowing, peach blossoming days, we readily pick several flowers of spiritual civilization. 1 empty talk of harm to others, hard work, flowers garden.沔 town party understands this truth. How to find truth in a pragmatic way to find the place where the spiritual civilization works is what they have been exploring with great concentration. In recent years, the town started work from the party building, respectively, with the town 49 party branches signed the responsibility of party building. Responsibility to use percentile assessment, year-end score as an assessment of the various branches of the first priority, an important basis for evaluation, and with