1959, is the tenth anniversary of the invention of the transistor, all the semiconductor research work are all related to the transistor. The study of high-purity germanium and its similar elements and the study of p-n junction point out a broad perspective for us, and for the first time make theoretical and experimental agreement quantitatively. However, if we say that we have shown that for all the semiconductors (which have resistivities from 10 -4 to 10 10 ohm cm and mobility from 10 -2 to 10 -6 cm -2 / · Second, the upper temperature limit up to 4000 °, and the pressure reaches 10 ~ 6 atmospheric pressure) have mastered the physical properties, which will be exaggerated. It is still far from our ability to fully understand the nature of solid-state semiconductors, and even worse for liquid and gaseous semiconductors. The field of semiconductor applications is constantly expanding. In this new decade, research tasks will probably be more emphasis on motivation,