一美帝国主义的侵略朝鲜战争之失败,加深了美帝国主义阵营底内部矛盾。我们从美帝国主义阵营内部的军阀政客们底相互攻击,更可以看清楚美国底帝国主义的侵略政策、战争政策底真面目! 美国总统杜鲁门在四月十一日下令把麦克阿瑟免职(盟军最高统帅、“联合国”军总司令、美军远东总司令、和远东美国陆军统帅四个职位),除了同时发表免去麦克阿瑟之职的声明之外,他还向美国全国发表关于美国远东政策的广播。杜鲁门又在十八日发表关于美国对太平洋安全的态度的声明。美国务卿艾奇逊也在十八日发表关于远东政策的演说。被免职的麦克阿瑟在十九日对美国参众两院联席会议发表演说之后又在各地演讲。我们看了这些声明和演说,首先是更深刻地认识美帝国主义底失败是注定了的。
The failure of the U.S.-led aggressive aggression against the Korean war has deepened the internal contradictions at the bottom of the U.S. imperialism camp. We attacked each other from the inside with warlord politicians in the US imperialist camp. We can even more clearly see the truth about the U.S. imperialist policies of aggression and war. The U.S. President Truman ordered the removal of MacArthur from the top commander of the Allied Forces on April 11 , The commander-in-chief of the United Nations army, the commander-in-chief of the U.S.F Far East, and the military commander of the Far East U.S. Army. In addition to his simultaneous statement of dismissal of MacArthur, he also made a broadcast to the nation of the United States on Far East policy in the United States. Truman again issued a statement on the U.S. attitude toward the security of the Pacific on the 18th. U.S. Secretary of State Acheson also delivered a speech on the Far East policy on the 18th. The dismissed MacArthur addressed the United States on the 19th after giving a speech on the joint meeting of the United States and the House of Representatives. When we read these statements and speeches, we must first of all be more determined to understand the failure of the U.S. imperialism at a deeper level.