发散思维是指从一个信息源中引发出不同结果的一种思维类型。也就是对同一事物进行多侧面多角度多层次全方位的探索,故又称多向思维或幅射思维。其思维方式如下图: P表示作文题材或提供的材料,P_1P_2……Pn分别表示从不同角度、不同方向对P的认识。作文训练中运用了这一思维方式可以促使学生思维敏捷、机智、灵活,从而准确恰当地审题、立意、布局谋篇,写出
Divergent thinking refers to a type of thinking that triggers different results from an information source. That is, the same thing is multifaceted, multi-angle, multi-level and all-around exploration. Therefore, it is also called multidirectional thinking or radiation thinking. The way of thinking is as follows: P represents the subject matter of the composition or the material provided, P_1P_2...Pn respectively represents the recognition of P from different angles and directions. The use of this thinking method in composition training can prompt students to be quick-thinking, witty, and flexible in order to accurately and appropriately examine questions, ideas, layouts, and writings.