炫歌快递 Eardrum 鼓膜

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  Released Date:August,14,2007
  PeakPosition:The Billboard 200 #2 on September 08,2007
  If skills soId.TaIib Kweli would have been one of the most commerciallv succesful rappers of his time.As it was,however,the eamest MC became one of the most cnticallv successful rappers of his time,which dawned in the late'90s whon he rapped alongslde Mos Def and DJ Hi-Tek as Dart of the group Black Star.Recont albUITIS—The Beautiful Struggle and right About Now—cIisappoIn ted fans and crtics aIike,but Eardrummarks a milestoneInthe KweIi cataIogue,Wiselv chosen collaborators (Kanye West,Roy Ayors and Norah Jones,etc.)accessibIe beats,and KweIi's staple of insightfuI Iyrics conspire to create his best aIbum since 2002's Quality.As Kweli himself makes clear in his first line on Eardrum,“they say you carl't ploase everybOdy,”and pIenty of sIeepers lurk among Eardrum 20songs.buf the standout tracks solidlfv Kwelr's status amonq rap's most taIemed and imtoortant voices.
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在这个时代,不乏遇上伯乐进而一夕成名的故事。琳恩·玛莲也算是其中的一位。也许你听过她演唱的《我坐在这里》(“Sitting Down Here”),但可能还并不熟知她,那么就跟着我们一起走近这位来自北国挪威的音乐精灵吧!
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