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看了山东省淄博市京剧团和青岛市京剧团联合演出的现代戏《红嫂》后,不禁使我想起了这出戏故事发生地点沂蒙山区的一首民歌: 河里的鱼儿啊没有水就没有家这首优美的民歌所唱出的鱼和水的关系,用来概括《红嫂》所表现出来的那种人民子弟兵和革命群众之间的血肉关系,是非常切合的。在抗日战争和解放战争的年代里,巍峨的蒙山巅,清澈的沂水畔——正和一切老根据地一样,曾涌现过多少像红嫂这样坚强无畏的普通劳动人民!他们之中,有的人向革命队伍输送了自己的亲人;有的人为革命政权献出了宝贵的生命;有的人在枪林弹雨中推小车、抬担架奋勇支前;有的人在复杂的环境中跑交通、当向导配合作战;也有的人,就象红嫂那样在极端困难的情况下救护伤员,保存了革 After reading the modern drama “Hong Sao” co-performed by the Peking Opera Troupe of Zibo City, Shandong Province and the Qingdao Peking Opera Troupe, I can not help but remind me of a folk song in Yimeng Mountain, where the story of the play took place. There is no water in the river fish The relationship between the fish and water sung by this beautiful folk song without the family is very much used to summarize the flesh-blood relations between the people’s army and the revolutionary masses shown by the “Red Sisters.” In the days of the Anti-Japanese War and the War of Liberation, the majestic Mengshan Peak and the crystal clear Yishui River - just like all the old bases, have emerged as many ordinary working people like Hongsao, among them, some Someone sent his own loved ones to the revolutionary ranks; some gave his precious life to the revolutionary regime; some pushed carts in bullets and carried forward courageous stretches; and others ran traffic in complex environments, Cooperate with the war; some people, like Hong Sao, saved the wounded in extremely difficult circumstances
本文介绍了沪宁高速公路(上海段)软基钢渣桩的加固方法及其效果。 This paper introduces the strengthening method and effect of steel-base steel slag pile on Shangha
Isolated noncompaction of the ventricular myocardium is thought to be caused by arrest of normal embryogenesis of the endocardium and myocardium. Clinical manif
(一) 正当安于寂寞的中国语言学界被揭竿而起的青年学子们搅得不得安宁,令希望依旧凭借学问之外的本领维护旧学术规范的一统天下的人叫苦不迭之时,不料“屋漏偏遭连夜雨”,
贵州省由于受地理环境及气候的影响,全省水旱灾害不断发生。历史的事实充分证明,兴修水利是一项刻不容缓的任务,对贵州省有着重要的意义。 Due to the influence of geograp