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近年走入西安的古玩市场,常见三三两两的小泥片(图1),对印章有兴趣的人知道这叫封泥,是距今3000年至1500多年之间,印章使用的遗蜕。但实际上,这些地摊上的封泥可以说全是赝品。何以前些年无人得见的封泥(包括赝品),近年突然变得常见起来了呢?原来这都缘于1995年以来西安北郊相家巷的几次大规模的秦封泥出土,让我们从头细说。 In recent years, into the antique market in Xi’an, a common small twilight of twos and threes (Figure 1), those who are interested in the seal known as sealing mud, is from 3000 to 1500 years ago, the seal of the legacy slough. But in fact, the mud on these stalls can all be said to be counterfeit. In recent years, no one can see why the sealing mud (including fakes) suddenly became common in recent years? It turns out that this has been due to 1995 in the northern suburbs of Xi’an Xiang Xiang several large-scale Qin Feng clay excavated, Let us elaborate from the beginning.