一、判断题(正确的打“√”,错误的打“×”。共10分,每小题1分)( )1.大气压的数值是1.01×105帕斯卡。()2.密度的单位1千克/米3比1克/厘米3要大。()3.质量大的实心物质其密度一定大。()4.可以利用密度来鉴别物质。()5.物体对桌面的压力总等于它的重力?
I. Judging questions (correctly playing “√” and wrongly playing “×”. A total of 10 points, 1 point for each small question) () 1. The atmospheric pressure is 1.01 x 105 Pascals. ()2. The unit of density is 1 kg/m3 more than 1 g/cm3. () 3. Masses of solid material must have a high density. () 4. Density can be used to identify substances. () 5. Is the pressure on the table equal to its weight?